Demo of Zendesk Help button widget

Clicking on the blue ?Help button on the bottom right gives direct search access to the Beacon Help Center.

The "Top Suggestions" list is populated by a behind the scenes search using a search term that is initially "Membership".
The search term can be set progamatically by examining the context of the Beacon page, such as the title, heading or url.

This demo allows you to input a search term. When the Submit button is pressed it will populate "Top Suggestions" on ?Help. Note that for this demo to work the page reloads itself.

This feature could work with the current Beacon system by making the search term the text before .php in the url. For example dashboard, groupslist, ledger etc. Siftware would need to put a couple of lines of code at the end of each page (this would not be practicle if every page had to be modified by hand). Also some code with a table to map things like "dashboard" to "Beacon Home Page" would be needed and put somewhere the docs team could edit to maintain.